Paving the Way for Women: The History of Women in the Tour De France
Over the undulating journey of the Tour De France, it's not just the terrain that has seen shifts and transformations. The presence of women, both on and off the racing course, has gradually become a beacon of change, symbolizing progress and inclusivity in this celebrated event. This article traces the involvement and contributions of women in the Tour De France, cherishing the determined females who have paved the way for future generations.

The First Female Cyclists

The Tour de France, traditionally a male-dominated race, saw its first-ever female riders in the 1980s. In 1984, the Tour de France Féminin was launched as an equivalent race for women. Although the race has had its share of logistical issues and schedules changes, it marked a significant step towards gender equality in the sport of cycling.

Pioneers such as Marianne Martin, the first woman to win the Tour de France Féminin, and Connie Carpenter, the first woman to win an Olympic gold in road cycling've significantly contributed to the visibility and recognition of women in the sport.

Marrianne Martin, the first female cyclist in Tour De France
Marrianne Martin, the first female cyclist in Tour De France

The Birth of La Course

In 2014, a new event known as "La Course by Le Tour de France" was introduced to signify further progress. While it initially started as a one-day race for women, it has evolved in recent years to include more stages, contributing to the worldwide recognition of the sheer grit and prowess of women cyclists.

The Role of Women Off the Race Course

The involvement of women in the Tour De France extends beyond the racing lanes and onto the organization and management aspects of this celebrated event. Women have taken up roles as team managers, sports directors, mechanics, and numerous other positions previously dominated by males, making their mark and leading the way for future generations.


The history of women in the Tour De France is a testament to courage, resilience, and progression. The race may have been born out of a man’s world, but it's been women who have played a monumental role in steering it towards an era of equality.

Inspiring women such as Marianne Martin and those behind "La Course" have not only highlighted the tremendous potential and strength of women cyclists but have also undoubtedly paved the way for future generations of women in the sport. As we look forward to the coming editions of the Tour De France, we cherish and acknowledge the women who have turned the tides of this prestigious event, fostering a legacy that future generations of women cyclists will endeavor to uphold. The Tour de France may have started as a race, but it's evolved into an incredible journey celebrating perseverance, equality, and the indomitable spirit of women.

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